Where to start with a first post? Well being that this blog has coincided with our recent move to Newtown, Sydney; our first post will be all the wonderful discoveries we've made in the last three months
A Newtown Street
This is our street, nice and green, plenty of terrace houses and by the looks of it a good support for Christmas decorations. Our kind of people
Street Art
The picture above, from Darley Lane. So beautiful. Kind of silences those who say graffitti is vandalism
One of Sydney's newest homes for Contemporary art, Carriageworks used to be a train maintenance depot based at Eveleigh near Redfern. Quirky fact, my uncle Murf served his apprenticeship here in the 60's and my father worked across the tracks at the then train yards, and now the Australian Technology Park. At lunchtime they used to use the tunnel which ran under the tracks to meet up.
TV Cooking
Clever recycling of a old tv becomes the perfect shrine to all of Corrie's favourite things
Alfie and Charlie
They are cute, cuddly and we love em. Nuff said really